October 28, 2022 – Palm Coast for the second year running hosted a Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) Summit Friday morning for Flagler County and all municipal partners to discuss their projects planned for the next five years. Regular collaboration provides each entity the opportunity to share past successes and challenges to create plans for the benefit the entire community.

“It was a very productive meeting,” said County Administrator Heidi Petito. “Unfortunately, Marineland and Beverly Beach did not attend, however we (the group) included any items that we were working on in those areas.”

Flagler Beach and Palm Coast worked out a mutually beneficial solution for a wastewater treatment plant in the planning stages by Flagler Beach and the efficient use of effluent non-potable water near Palm Coast development projects in process in the area of Roberts Road and Colbert Lane. This will allow the Palm Coast Utility Department to work with Flagler Beach to install reuse lines into their lands as a means of utilizing the treated wastewater from Flagler Beach’s plant.

“Without this collaboration, this solution may not have been an option,” said Flagler Beach City Manager William Whitson. “Today’s experience was an eye-opening discussion about how we can collaborate on common projects to save public funding. For Flagler Beach, this type of win-win thinking is what makes public service exciting and worthwhile.”

There are hundreds of Capital Improvements Projects in the works between the county and all five municipalities. Palm Coast has a public-facility Capital Projects map available online at www.palmcoastgov.com/maps  (click on Capital Project Dashboard) to keep residents updated.

“We were honored to host the second annual five-year CIP summit with our neighboring partners,” said Palm Coast City Manager Denise Bevan. “This summit encourages collaboration and communication on projects that will have an effect on every resident of Flagler County. We look forward to maintaining this incredible partnership for years to come.”

Petito concurred.

“We all do better when we come together and invest in our community,” she said. “Collaboration among our community partners is the best way to work.  We are very grateful to have participated in this annual summit.”