The FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia was where the National Sheriff’s Institute held their Jail Administration course. Sheriff Staly was one of only 22 sheriffs invited to attend in the Nation.  It was an invitation only course and was provided by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), U.S. Department of Justice, collaborating with the Major County Sheriffs of America;  there was no cost to the Flagler taxpayers.

The course covered training on, contemporary challenges regarding correctional facility operations, the sheriff’s role in the community, legal implications of operating a jail, the sheriff as a leader in the jail, critical aspects of jail operations, assessing jail operations, and jail improvements.

The NSI is designed to prepare the Sheriffs for all the matters that will impact them in their office, and it is the only executive leadership training program designed for sheriffs.  The NSI offers two main courses of study now, the NSI Leadership Development course, and new developed NSI-II Jail Administration course. These are designed to help strengthen leadership skills and compound their knowledge of jail operations and everything it entails.

“Since being elected Sheriff, it has been my mission to make the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility, also known as the Green Roof Inn, one of the best jails in the country,” said Sheriff Rick Staly. The Sheriff implements many programs at our local county jail in an effort to help inmates learn life long skills. The goal is to help inmates gain skills they can use to obtain employment to help keep them from landing back in the Detention Facility.