February 2, 2023 – In the first week of the $3.67 million Hurricane Dorian dunes restoration project from south MalaCompra Park to south Washington Oaks Gardens State Park, Flagler County’s contractor has added 12.3 tons of sand to 1,500 linear feet at the south end of the project.
“We are very pleased with what was accomplished in one week,” said County Engineer Faith Alkhatib. “The contractor anticipates completing this project in April, ahead of the turtle nesting season.”
The project will restore 8,350 linear feet of Atlantic shoreline with about 49,500 cubic yards of beach-compatible material that meets specific geotechnical characteristics that are established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and comes from approved upland sand mines. The sand is hauled by truck. Work is progressing from south to north.
“Work is being done on weekdays, and during daylight hours,” Alkhatib said. “Right now the staging is at MalaCompra Park but when the project is halfway completed, the staging area will move to Washington Oaks.”
Flagler County has suspended beach horseback riding in the project area. Horseback riders can access the beach at Jungle Hut Road, and will only be permitted to ride as far north as the northern border of the Hammock Beach Resort.
The project is permitted and follows Florida Department of Environmental Protection requirements.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is covering 75% of the $3.67 million project funding and the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) are covering the 25% local match.
Flagler County is the permittee. Eastman Aggregate Enterprises is the contractor and turbidity monitor. Olsen Associates is the engineer. Construction oversight is being handled by Eisman & Russo, FDEP, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), and the US Army Corps of Engineers.
“We appreciate everyone’s patience while this work is ongoing,” Alkhatib said. “I think everyone is happy this project has started.”
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