Responding to concerns voiced by residents regarding the construction of new homes at elevated levels and the potential retention of water in yards of existing properties, the City of Palm Coast is taking a proactive stance to address these issues as a top priority. The city is working diligently to engage homeowners on an individual basis, prioritizing their concerns and helping to identify the potential cause of the issue.

City Manager Denise Bevan has taken a proactive step by assembling an internal task force, represented by various city departments. This task force is dedicated to a thorough examination of resident concerns, with a primary focus on identifying the cause that aligns with the unique challenges posed to each individual property.

As part of this comprehensive initiative, the Stormwater Department is actively examining the engineering technical manual for new builds, particularly regarding drainage plans and elevations. Currently, the department has released modifications to this manual to stakeholders for their feedback, ensuring a collaborative and inclusive approach. The City of Palm Coast emphasizes that adherence to the Florida Building Code is paramount, and strict guidance is given by the Land Development Code.

City Manager Denise Bevan said, “We understand the challenges some residents are facing with prolonged standing or pooling water in their yards. We urge residents who have experienced standing water for numerous days and, even more importantly, water in their homes, to submit a Palm Coast Connect case or contact Customer Service. If you can provide pictures along with dates for reference, that would be helpful for the Task Force to better understand the concerns. Your collaboration is essential as we work together while prioritizing the well-being of our community.”

The workflow for addressing resident complaints involves a meticulous process. City staff intake the complaint, meet individually with the resident onsite to gather all relevant information, conduct thorough research on and around the property, and then present the case to the task force. The task force, in turn, discusses the ultimate cause of the concerns and collaborates on the next steps.
To submit a case, please visit and click on “Submit a Case.” Customer Service is available by calling 386-986-2360.

To facilitate transparency and community involvement, the Stormwater Department will deliver a presentation at the upcoming City Council workshop meeting on December 12 at 9 a.m. This presentation will share data collected from infill lot complaints and outline a comprehensive plan of action to review all residential cases that have been submitted.