By-Line: Brittany Kershaw, Director of Communications and Marketing

The City of Palm Coast has issued a Development Order for Kensington at Old Kings, an age-restricted residential community, marking the first project in the city to be approved under Florida’s Live Local Act (LLA), F.S. 166.04151(7). The development will be located west of Old Kings Road, north of Town Center Boulevard, adjacent to I-95.

While the Live Local Act allows for up to 233 units on this site (15 units per net developable acre), city staff worked with the developer to reduce the density to 113 residential units (approximately 7.28 units per acre). Additionally, approximately four acres have been reserved for future commercial use as part of this mixed-use project. At least 40% of the units will be designated as affordable housing for residents earning no more than 120% of the area median income, with affordability guaranteed for a minimum of 30 years.

The Live Local Act is a state mandate that requires local governments to approve certain affordable housing developments administratively, without public hearings or City Council review, even in cases where a zoning change occurs. While the City was required to approve this project under state law, Palm Coast officials took steps to ensure it aligns with community standards as much as possible.

“In response to the Live Local Act, the City Council proactively enacted an ordinance to protect residents as much as possible within the limits of state law,” said Lauren Johnston, Acting City Manager. “This project meets the City’s Land Development Code standards, including architectural and landscaping requirements, to maintain the quality and character of our community.”

For more information about the Live Local Act, please visit and select “Live Local Act Application Procedures” under the Miscellaneous Applications tab.

A blueprint of a building Architectural drawing of a building labeled "Building Type BAC Front Elevation " The design features a wide, single story structure with multiple windows and a front porch There are color swatches on the right side for exterior finishes