During the morning business meeting for the City of Palm Coast, Council members heard an ordinance of the second read regarding an amendment to the city charter. This amendment would allow the City Council to enter into public/private partnerships and sell bonds in larger amounts during an emergency beyond what the current charter allows. If passed, this amendment to the charter would be put on the ballot for residents to vote on in the November election.
Danko spoke about his objections to the amendment, stating his immense trust in FEMA, and their ability to provide funding and supplies in an emergency almost immediately. Danko stated his desire to see language included different language used in the amendment to include the word bonds, as well as putting the emergency clause at the end of the amendment as a secondary thought.
Pontieri partially agreed with Danko on some aspects of his stance, her main point being that the policy is “arguably subjective with no objective guidelines or guardrails”. Pontieri suggested some language changes and stated her opinion that keeping the emergency clause is important. The discussion continued on the Dias, with the amendment language going back and forth amongst the council members to find some form of compromise. City staff made language changes during the meeting and presented them to the council during the business meeting, allowing the City Council to vote for the second time on the ordinance. The Ordinance was passed unanimously, ensuring this amendment will be placed on the November ballot.
This deception is pure evil!