Rumors have been swirling regarding the appointment of Cathy Heighter’s seat on the City Council, alleging that the City did not follow proper protocols when it came to filling the seat. Some of these rumors have alleged that the City will face troubles for their actions in choosing to appoint someone to fill the vacant seat, instead of allowing it to be settled via the General Election earlier this year. With these rumors circling, we reached out to the City of Palm Coast for an official statement regarding the alleged rumors, the appointment process, and whether there was any hint of trouble due to the seat being filled via appointment vs. election.
The City of Palm Coast’s Marketing Director Brittany Kershaw responded to the rumors, “We are aware of rumors suggesting that the City Council erred in appointing a representative for District 4 and that the seat would require a ballot election. These claims are inaccurate. The City Council’s process for appointing a representative to complete Ms. Heighter’s term fully complies with the City Charter.”
At this point in time, there is no indication of any potential errors, mistakes, or trouble regarding the appointment of seat four on the City Council. We will remain diligent, continuously checking to see if there are any changes in the story as time moves on.