By-Line: Julie Murphy, Flagler County Government

A licensed roofing contractor is being sought by Flagler County to fill a vacancy on its Contractor Review Board.

The Contractor Review Board meets at 5 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the Commission Chambers of the Government Services Building, 1769 E. Moody Boulevard, Building 2, Bunnell.

The Board assists in the proper administration of the ordinance that governs contractors – Ordinance 2022-04 (Ordinance 2015-06; Ordinance 2007-10). The Board shall have the power and authority to discipline Authorized or Certified contractors as set forth in Section 8-15 of this Ordinance.

The vacancy is for a four-year term, and members must remain actively licensed in good standing throughout the term with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

Applications can be found on the Flagler County website at:

The seven-member board represents various licensed trades and a consumer member. The members shall not be elected officials or employees of Flagler County or its municipalities. Members shall serve without compensation.