Sheriff Staly and Sheriff’s P.A.L. honored a young local hero today for his brave effort to protect his fellow classmates from a potentially dangerous situation.

This morning, Sheriff Staly and Deputy Erlandson presented Karter Consolazio with a certificate for a scholarship to attend the FCSO Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Academy this summer.

Karter earned his scholarship after notifying authorities of what he believed to be an abduction of two other students at his school, Wadsworth Elementary, last Wednesday. FCSO Deputies immediately investigated to find the children but soon determined that it was a family member picking them up. However, Karter’s actions and quick thinking would have been key in helping to solve a real abduction.

“Karter’s quick thinking and bravery are an inspiration to us all,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “Thanks Karter we were able to respond quickly and ensure the safety of the students. He knows that if you ‘see something, say something’ which he did!”

At the Sheriff’s PAL CSI Camp, Karter and other students will learn how to collect fingerprints, shoe impressions, cloth fibers and other evidence to solve crimes. On the last day of CSI Camp students will also get to show off the evidence and CSI skills to their families and Sheriff Staly. If you have a child interested in joining the Sheriff’s PAL CSI Camp, feel free to give us a call at 386-586-2655 or visit