Amber Ember, owner of Cosmic Hippie, held her first annual Health and Wellness Expo today in Flagler County called Vets and Pets. The idea was to integrate both Vets and Pets while talking health and wellness. The event was held at the Hammock Community Center.

Vendors at the Vets and Pets expo in Flagler County

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

“Old Service Glory Dogs was actually recommended to me because I was looking for a veterans service organization that wasn’t the norm. Since animals are close to my heart and I always knew how important animals were to overall health and wellness, I thought maybe I should introduce that concept to the community. That is why I am doing this event, Vets and Pets, Because people don’t necessarily know that pets are a very important part of holistic health in general. And most of these vendors have pet treats that are all natural and offer services like dog massages and reiki, and so I am just introducing alternative ways of getting back to health,” Amber Ember told us. She went on to say, “I was actually talking to Frank Barbudi, the man who runs Flagler County Parks and Events, and he said maybe next year I should try to get it out at Cattlemans Hall at the fairgrounds. Because literally last minute 6 additional vendors jumped on board, making me think we are going to be tight in here now. Next year, yes definitely and likely at a larger location!”

Flagler County Vets and Pets wellness expo

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

Vendors lined the walls and filled in the much of the small building in anticipation of the public’s arrival. Food trucks were also on site to provide food for the public who showed up to support Old Glory Service Dogs and the vendors.

Flagler County organization Old Glory Service Dogs.

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

Old Glory Service Dogs 4 Veterans INC is a not for profit organization in Flagler County that helps pair vets with service dogs. The beauty behind this organization is that they work to find dogs in shelters, donor-breeders and rescues who will match the member and their needs. They are then put through complete training with the service member for whom the service dog is for. This allows for better bonding between the service member and the animal.

Old Glory Service Dogs in Flagler County

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

This organization is local to Flagler County, based in Bunnell Florida. Find out more about Old Glory Service Dogs 4 Veterans by clicking here.