Saturday, September 16th, 2023, Flagler OARS, a non-profit providing recovery services for Flagler County, held their 3rd annual Festival in the Park. Flagler OARS works in Flagler County to help bring people to recovery, whatever that looks like for them.

Staff and Volunteers of Flagler OARS in front of their bus

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

Among the services they provide, is their Narcan program where they pass out free Narcan to anyone who will take some. Their goal is to have Narcan in every car, business and home in Flagler County. Everyone who works for Flagler OARS is in recovery, as are most of the volunteers.

Vendors and Attendees at Veteran Park for Flagler OARS

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

Vendors, food trucks and residents showed up to support the cause. When asked about the turnout, volunteer Heather Dalrymple said, “So far the turnout is awesome! The weather is perfect this year, we had a lot more vendors show up and it’s great!”

Flagler OARS Volunteers by their Bus

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

Multiple rows of vendors were in attendance to promote their services, products or organizations. Flagler OARS had multiple booths throughout the park where attendees could pick up free Narcan and other information.

Flagler Cares at Flagler OARS Event

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

Savanah Prince told us, “I think this really shows the beautiful aspects of recovery; about one in ten Americans identify as in recovery, whatever that looks like for them. So this is a great way for us to raise awareness and get the community involved. So we are just really excited for everybody to be here.”

Flagler OARS Booth

Copyright Flagler County Buzz

To find out more about Flagler OARS and what they do in the community, you can visit their website here for more information.